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Note from the President

Activities Unlimited (AU) is a dynamic organization that provides retired and semi-retired men an opportunity to participate in a wide variety of hobbies and activities. It allows them to come together in the spirit of fellowship to enrich their lives with new and lasting friendships. We have been active for more than 35 years and have over  300 members who participate in more than 20 club activities. AU also sponsors many other exciting and interesting functions, including trips and tours, an annual breakfast, a special luncheon and a Christmas Dinner Dance.

We have a monthly meeting where we have entertainment or speakers of interest address us. Activities Unlimited is a non-profit, non-sectarian and non-political organization that is sponsored by the Wyckoff Reformed Church.

We encourage you to explore our website, the activities we currently offer and our Newsletter. Should you wish to join, please click the Membership Link which will take you to our Membership section where details about joining and an application form will be found.

James Atieh, President
Contact by email

Download the form by clicking this image.

Join Us

Should you wish to join AU, please print and fill out the application form and mail it. All of the requirements and instructions are on the form.

To download the form click or tap the Join Us picture.

If you wish to learn more about AU, please attend our next monthly meeting as a guest to meet members and see how the club works.

You may contact James Webb, the Membership Chairman by email