Book Club

The Book Club is for both casual and serious readers of books.

The Club discusses 2 books that have been suggested by members at a meeting 2 months previously. This gives members sufficient time to read either one or both books, although it is important to know that reading any of the selections is not a requirement to attend a meeting. Both fiction and nonfiction books can be candidates.

Each meeting starts with a summary of the first book to be discussed. Members then open up to what is usually a wide ranging general discussion of the book that might include the author’s style, how he/she treats the subject matter, or the subject itself, etc. That’s followed by book #2.

Within a day or two of each meeting the Club Chairman writes a summary of the meeting to include salient points covered, as well as, the names and authors of the books recommended for the next two meetings. The Chairman distributes the summary via email to all members.

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